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Tag: Kurtz

Experiments in the Revival of Organisms: A Trailer

A short film of mine premiered last night at St. Paul's Northern Spark festival, with the short film group I contribute to called MNKino. The theme was "arrivals and departures," and I had no idea what I was going to make until midnight the night before it was due. I was browsing archive.org and found a disturbing, but fascinating 1940 film documenting experiments on reviving dogs from the dead.

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“We Want Your Thoughts”

Demented, sugary chaos - I guess that's how I picture this new song written by my cousin Nate Graves (aka Kurtz). We started working on it back in April, but we got stuck trying to add percussion. I originally thought a steady Radiohead-esque beat would work, but it felt kind of plodding to me. So Continue reading...