“No Turning Back” Cover by Tinynormous

Dev Jana is a talented dude. I first knew him as a video game designer, but it turns out he plays a ton of instruments and sings! He covered "No Turning Back" from my upcoming album 2020, and I think of it as the equivalent of Joe Cocker's "With a Little Help From My Friends" – more raw energy and cooler than the original!

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Burren Girl

Earlier this year, I composed for Rita Davern and Melody Gilbert's film Stories I Didn't Know, about the struggle between the Dakota people and Irish immigrants moving to Minnesota.

But Rita wasn't finished with her story. She still had years of footage from her trips to Ireland, searching for her family's roots, and finding out why they moved to America. That's what her follow up documentary Burren Girl is all about.

I was pleased to work with Rita again. This time around, I acted more as music supervisor and editor, helping find existing Irish songs and gluing them together with custom composition.

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HELIUM REQUIEM Instrumental Album

Back in 2017, HELIUM REQUIEM started as a post-midnight electronic songwriting binge, that I recruited my cousin Nathan Graves to write lyrics and sing on.

But I recently discovered my instrumental-only version that I had sent to Nate for inspiration. It was basically fully-formed and flowed nicely, so I thought I'd release it into the world as is.

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Meet the Musicians on 2020

With just 48 hours left in my Kickstarter campaign, I wanted to highlight the musicians that will be contributing to my album 2020. They're all incredibly talented and creative, and I can't wait to hear their recordings (all recorded at home studios due to COVID-19). Thanks to those of you who've donated to bring this dream team together!

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